DIGicon Ideas

Allow data entry/changes in some fields after contract is synced and prior to removing from dashboard.

This option would allow general information (Phone, People, Service,Cemetery, etc.) to be added/changed after a contract is synced.  Additionally, since the insured Soc. Sec. # is not required at closing, it would be helpful for that field to be editable after syncing as well.  Some folks just don't have all the information at the time of closing but want to write the check.  

  • Guest
  • Jan 30 2017
  • Not being considered
I need it... Month
  • Feb 27, 2017

    Admin response


    Because this is a legal binding contract we cannot legally allow you to make changes to the contract. If you would like to make changes to demographics, that can be done through OnlineAccess.

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  • Guest commented
    July 25, 2019 15:35

    How about changes to fields on the Vital Statics page that are not included on the contract nor application?  Ex:  Cemetery space, people tab (other than insured and POA), service location, etc.