Frequently, email approvals to FH Director never reach their email inbox; it would be nice for the agent to be carbon copied (CC:) when email notification for FH Approval of a Contract is sent to the Director; it would be even better for agent to receive a "read receipt" when FH Director opens the approval notification. If agents receive a copy but FH Director did not agent could save selling time by simply forwarding their copy of email notification to Director without calling home office, explaining the situation, waiting for email to be recreated and resent and then wonder if the second email was received... If agent doesn't receive his/her copy of the email notification for FH approval, then agent can call Digicon Tech and have them hit "Resend Button" (previously submitted idea) Best case scenario in this agent's opinion would be for agent to receive a "read receipt" when FH Director opens FH approval email; all doubt of receipt would be eliminated.
I need it... | Quarter |
This is a great idea! We can definitely copy you on the email but we will not be able to force a read receipt. They are notoriously unreliable and completely depend on the recipients email configuration. We will get started on putting the agent on the CC of this email. Thanks for your input!