DIGicon Ideas

Question Format Similar to TurboTax to Fill Out Contract

Sometimes DIGicon can be confusing to agents, especially those who are not digital natives. I am proposing that we add questions to the navigation, similar to doing your taxes on TurboTax, to walk them through completing the contract step by step. This would make it easier for them to know what info we need in a format that is is more understandable. The questions could be similar to these below:

Who are you planning a funeral for? (at the top of insured info) What is ______'s address? Is their mailing address the same? etc.

Is anyone other than the insured signing the contract? (people section) If, yes, they would fill in all the info for that person and then select them as owner or payor right then and there. It would also automatically generate the application authorization form.

  • Guest
  • May 15 2017
  • Planned
I need it... Not Sure -- just thought it was cool
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