DIGicon Ideas

TDG & Vital statistics to display phone #s & more room for people

WE have frequently had the request to have room for more people on the TDG & Vital statistics.  Users such as Teresa Baucum & Ray Rothgeb especially.  This request is from Ray Rothgeb who would like not only more spots for people, but for the phone #s to be displayed next to them as well.  See his message below:

We use only the Family & Friends page of the TDG.  It would be nice if the Family & Friends page would print with the VS page as it gives phone numbers (or addendum with the same info as the TDG).  The "We Care" script tells a client that we list "all of the people who will need to be contacted upon your death."  I assume this would be by phone.  The only place that phone numbers print out is page 3 of the TDG. Also the VS page only lists six children and siblings, and no phone numbers, unless they are a contact.  I have had several that have had 7-9 siblings.

  • Guest
  • Mar 15 2016
  • Shipped
I need it... Not Sure -- just thought it was cool
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  • Guest commented
    April 08, 2016 19:46

    Greg, You may have missed the point.  "be nice if Family & Friends page would print with the VS page."  When you don't use the TDG and print only the "Vital Statistics" page we do not get the full list of people & phone numbers.  As it stands the "Family & Friends" page has to be isolated from the TDG and treated as a separate document. 

  • Greg Neeley commented
    March 18, 2016 20:37

    The TDG Addendum form was added to DIGicon in June of 2015.

    This form added 10 spots for Family and Friends, 5 for Preceded In Death By, 6 for Pallbearers, and 6 for Honorary Pallbearers.   This page will print only when needed.