DIGicon Ideas

Allow options for number of years on Flex Pay

Currently we project Digicon on a large screen so that the family can see what we are typing in.  This helps to create trust with the family.  Since Digicon Touch now limits the number of years showing availability for 71 year old and older, that means that we would have to write using Flex pay.  Our company does NOT want us to write anything over 5 years.  When we bring up the flex pay option we are showing families that payment could be scheduled for 7 or even 10 years.  We would like to eliminate that option and just show flex pay for 1 to 5 years.  Since families are seeing the 7 to 10 year option, it is difficult telling them that we cannot do that option when it right their on the screen. So the ability to edit number of years for flex pay would be beneficial. 

  • Guest
  • Sep 17 2018
  • Closed
I need it... Not Sure -- just thought it was cool
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