DIGicon Ideas

Auto link family members already in digicon

It would be nice to be able to search another person that is already in digicon to be able to quickly add them to the 'People' section on a different contract in digicon.
For example... I sell a couple a policy. Their info is in digicon. Then, their son or daughter, sister or brother is doing a policy with me. Instead of asking for the couple's information again or trying to go back and forth copying it, we could do a quick 'search' and apply their information quickly.

  • Jency Viator
  • Apr 19 2021
  • Already exists
I need it... Not Sure -- just thought it was cool
Your name Jency Viator
  • Attach files
  • Jency Viator commented
    January 19, 2023 15:39

    This does not already exist.