DIGicon Ideas

DIGicon credit card concern

We have an issue with the credit card being processed by the agent once the contract is finalized.  We would rather the cc info be submitted by the agent, but the cc ran when we are processing the contract in the portal and move it into GIAS.

Right now if an agent writes a contract the cc is ran, but if we have to return the contract, we have to remember to check the payment, refund or void the cc (only supervisors have this access), because when the contract is re finalized the cc will be ran again.

Please see Teresa & Jessie for details.

  • Jessie Martin
  • Jun 8 2018
  • Already exists
I need it... Yesterday (let's go already)
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    July 02, 2018 18:26

    Merge with GIAS-I-889