This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit DIGICON-I-118 Create Rate Calculator feature outside of a contract that works like OA Rate Calculators.
When we are trying to calculate premiums without getting into DIGicon, we have to go through the volume, status widgets that display as we log in to online access. This is also visible to the families that we are working with. This is not information we want the families to see. Can we get a desktop version of just the rate calculator.. Attached is the picture of Emulator that use to be available to agents in the field.
I need it... | Yesterday (let's go already) |
Thanks for your input John! Something that might help you here is creating a shortcut directly to the rate calculators. When you click the link it would direct you to the login page and then upon a successful login, redirect you straight to the rate calculators. I have provided the link below. Would this help your issue?